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Releasing Kingdom Revelation

Activating the Kingdom of God within you...

Who are we?

We are the light of the world. We are a community of those who follow Yeshua and are living intentional lives with the help of the Holy Spirit to make known the mystery of Christ to our generation. 


We partner with the Spirit to reveal the truth and to share the Father's love with the world. We use the gifts that we have received to manifest the Kingdom within the lives of others, for the building up of the body and for the maturing of the sons, until we all reach unity in the faith and attain to the whole measure of all the fullness of Christ.

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What's our assignment?

To provide support

We're called to come alongside leaders, pastors, those in positions of influence to provide support during times of growth, change and transition. The goal is to unlock the full potential in others, provide insight into areas of challenge and bring refreshment and restoration in the personal lives of leaders to help them continually overcome in all areas of life, going from strength to strength and glory to glory.

To release revelation

We are creating an online platform of resources to share the wisdom and revelation that we have received from the Holy Spirit to equip you in your work, build you up in your journey of faith with specific tools and to teach you how to walk into the fullness of the life that has been given to you through Christ's death and resurrection.

To build community

We will be offering training and mentoring for a select group of people who are passionate about living the life that Christ has ordained for them. We want to release you into your destiny and help you to steward the call of God upon your life.



Kairos Forecast

Discerning the signs of the times.

Image by Nikola Knezevic


It's time to see your influence expand for the sake of the Kingdom.

Providing prayer support and spiritual insight to leaders within the business sector.


With our strategic counsel, discernment and encouragement, our goal is to give leaders the additional insight needed to not simply function but to see you step into the fullness of words that have been spoken and released over you.


Expand your understanding and grow in your knowledge of the truth...


Grow in your own walk with the Lord. Gain a deeper revelation of your purpose, calling and destiny and unlock the understanding on how to walk upon the path of life into the fullness of the Kingdom.



Thanks for submitting!

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Winston Churchill

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